
Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

Osho’s “Rebel””…the reality of man.He is both together.He is neither just spirituality-he is not just consciousness-nor is he just matter”

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This week’s mail out (topic) is a bit different in that it doesn’t contain a ‘Satsang Invitation’ as usual, instead it felt right to send along this dialog that happened via a chat in facebook the other day.

SC: Hi Canela, How come even if I see it’s all love, I don’t feel it that much?

Canela: Hi SC, it seems to me that the experiencing changes about, whatever is being felt- is felt. “it is all love” points to the source. When you ask yourself, is this moment love? and sit with that, what happens?

SC: I think there is grief present.

Canela: Beautiful…something is finished then and you are feeling the loss?

SC: Sadness and unsatisfaction

Canela: What is the grief about?

SC: Ha, i think its about missing the joy and the satori state
missing the peace, the oneness, something is missing.

Canela: So there is judgement about the present experience, yes?

SC: I think yes

Canela: What appears to be missing?

SC: Peace

Canela: And how ought peace to feel? ..here is the judgement…perhaps feel the judgement happening, where does it link in to the system?

SC: It’s in the throat and the gut, yes I see

Canela: Open to feel that

SC: Yes…
Self hate, I see that.

Canela: Perfect! Feel it!!

SC: I have always hated me since I can remember

Canela: Feel this hate, open to it…not taking it against yourself, just feeling the energy of it

SC: ok.
I don’t seem to fit anywhere

Canela: Perfect, you don’t fit anywhere, feel that

SC: Those are words coming up while feeling it, just expressing them

Canela: The words count too…keep being ‘yes’ to whatever comes no matter what it looks like…feel it.

SC: Everyone is with someone, living a normal life(my friends and surrounding) and im here still alone finding myself ugly, unfit and poor
oh that’s hard to admit…

Canela: Is it hard really? Welcome them to live; this ‘ugly’ how does it feel to totally allow ugly once and for all?

SC: I can see I’m not ugly but i feel ugly, especially in front of feminine type i like, i feel stupid and uninteresting

Canela: Yes, feel it, this is the important part, let yourself feel ugly 100%

SC: ok

Canela: Remember to breathe and relax the body open to let this energy have free reign

SC: ok. I do this often since seeing you in Satsang with Richard Miller.
I see more clearly the process now
I will stay with this…
I’m scared of focusing too much on bad feelings

Canela: Perfect…meet ‘ugly’ fully, meet ‘unfit’ fully…
and you are relaxing open to energies that are already inside, that perhaps you may have been avoiding feeling (which accentuates them)

SC: I don’t know how to thank you enough for taking the time
Canela: You caught me just at the right moment 🙂

SC: Thats what i want to do really is to cure me and support others

Canela: Support yourself and support others perhaps?
the curing of you will take a lifetime sir

SC: thanks , I’m a massage therapist and it will help a lot
ok lot of work to do now
big love and hug to you
yes supporting myself!

Canela: Thank you for being willing to sit with some of the energies that many attempt to avoid. Bit by bit…remembering that the words that rise count and to let them lead you to the energy inside, be with that, and so on….

SC: ♥

SC: Thanks for supporting me in seeing that love is the secret alchemy ♥

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This week’s invitation is to take a look at where Love resides.

The song by Nazareth, ‘Love Hurts’ was playing in my head this morning. Sometimes that happens, it’s just there, playing as if I am some sort of radio!

When I looked at the words to that song, of course I wondered what it was that they were singing about…did ‘Love’ really hurt? What appeared to me was that it is not ‘Love’ that hurts, it is the attempt to look outside of yourself for Love.

Even though we say: ‘I Love you!’ What does that really mean? – That Love is provoked alive by the person you are saying that to. The Love itself is felt inside of yourself, not outside of yourself, not over there with the apparent other person.

There is this looking for love outside of ourselves, for being with another and expecting that they might follow your idea of how it should look or be expressed. This is not ‘wrong’ this is pure innocence…of course we would look for it ‘out there’ that’s what we have been taught: find that special other person who will love you enough that you finally feel fulfilled. This is impossible. Never, ever would someone else’s experiencing love provoked alive by you, fulfill you…it will fulfill them – fill them with Love.

The place, the space, to look is in the heart, your heart. It sort of appears to be ‘inside’ of you, yet given time and attention, it will expand to include more and more…both of you and your world of happenings.

You yourself know how you would like love to show up, the actions that would invite you to relax more open because Love is here with you. When you fall in Love with you, and treat him or her with Love, that love is true and will only grow (also happens to magnify trust in yourself too).

With this relaxing more and more with this wonderful human that you are; accepting him or her bit by bit – being compassionate when she/he makes a mistake (after all, he/she’s only human ); being loving toward yourself to let yourself feel whatever it is that is happening, gently, caringly;….love will grow.

If there are people who love you dearly, how nice for them! When the ‘I love you’ shows up, really, it is an invitation to fall in with your very own heart, falling into That together with both hearts brimming perhaps ~ beautiful. It does not require both to feel it though, that just magnifies it. Love is a personal experience and the person to love is you yourself.

Come and join with us in Satsang with Canela where there is an on-going invitation to fall in Love with Self in all aspects of That including what it is that keeps on appearing in your world – that you are so connected to and have been in each moment – with this human being that you are.

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This week’s invitation is to expand on the energy of ‘Trust’.

Trust already exists with you in many ways when one stops to take a look at it. Check it out if there is an ongoing trust in you in the day that there will be enough air to breath, that the blood will keep pumping through your veins, that the breathing will continue to happen without you doing anything at all. Most people go to bed at night trusting that they will wake up the next morning and start a new day.

This is not to say that sometimes these happenings that are trusted in stop…sometimes they do stop happening for a variety of reasons.

What is being pointed to here, is the trust that is happening, to notice that, to notice the openness of the felt sense of trust and to consider allowing this for all of the happenings in your life. That there is enough love – just like the air that you breathe – to see if you can relax open about that. That whatever it is that you are inviting into your life now, that there is more than enough and it is already coming your way…to feel a trust in that. In the relaxed openness, that which is being invited has much more of a likelihood of appearing compared to what the opposite of trust does energetically.

When worry is happening, it sort of snarls up the energy, pinpoints it exactly on what you don’t want to happen, spends the energy of anxiety or stress on whatever it is that you are focussed on. With that all going on, there is simply little space for what you would like to occur to happen.

Another happening to look at that can strengthen trust in yourself is to look at your own life. To sit down and see all of the tough times that you have made it through, that even though the details at the time may have looked impossible to be with, somehow you were with them, you made it through those times to where you are now. Perhaps this will support you to trust yourself a bit more, to relax open to yourSelf and allow the energy of trust to expand and be with you even more tangibly, more fully.

When trust is more alive and in play with you, it is that much more easy to let go of the happenings of the world when the moment comes. To unplug yourself from the way things appear to be, relaxing open to be with reality: the truth of what is.

Come and join with us in Satsang with Canela where we can explore this topic to support this relaxing open to be with who you are, just as you are…nothing more, nothing less than That.

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This week’s invitation is to look at what the energy of ‘Desire’ is about and, perhaps, how to be with that in a new way.

This invitation is called ‘Object of Desire’ purposefully since this is how most people look at desire – some sort of object to try to get or a goal to get to.

What is being invited here is to look newly at this energy, where does it come from? What is really being invited when desire shows up in any moment?

Like all else, the energy of desire comes from Source. Out of the blue, you feel enticed to include some bit of an experience in your life. Often desire rises out of a feeling of lack, as if there were something missing in your life. The part where desire becomes not a healthy happening is when the person then attempts to ‘get’ whatever it is that is desired.

It is not the desire itself appearing that causes any imbalance, it is how the person responds to it.

We are taught that we need to go out and get what we want. To see the object out there, appearing to be outside of ourselves, and attempt to grab ahold of it. In this way, desire can cause suffering. When really, it is in the attempt to grasp the object of desire that the suffering happens….either in the emptiness that follows as soon as the object is grasped, or in the missing of the object when it isn’t grasped. Lose, lose situation. This is why sages for so long have said, drop your desires, they are only temptations to lead you away from yourself.

What is being invited here now in this invitation is to be with the desire as the appearance of energy that it is. Notice when something is being desired. Instead of attempting to get it, (following the temptation) be with the energy itself where ever it is felt in the moment within your system.

So if the desire that shows up is ‘more money’, instead of immediately looking as to how you are going to ‘get it’, look to see where is this ‘desire’ vibrating in your energy/body system. Be still, breathe, and feel the energy. Sit and listen to it by feeling it in the moment that it is with you. Let it express itself to you – this is you receiving the desire by feeling it.

The desire energy (keeping with the example of ‘money’ being that which is desired) may show up in response to details in your life that appear as ‘lack’. If this is the case then by feeling the lack energy inside of yourself (once identifying that it is ‘lack’ energy, let go of the label of ‘lack’ and just feel it as energy happening) you will eventually neutralize it rather than keeping a ‘lack’ vibration within the system. When this energy is ignored within (ie: not felt directly) it will continue to attract more lack to it.

Because the energy of ‘abundance’ is not an energy that people hold themselves away from, (unlike the energy of ‘lack’) it moves freely within and without, so focussing on the desire for financial abundance within your system will invite abundance to you. Allow the appearance of desire, whatever it is, to invite you to feel the desire itself as if it were already true. So in this example of money being the desire – what would you feel like with more than enough money? Spend some time feeling that each time the desire for money shows up. Instead of responding to the desire by attempting to do something to make money, feel what having more than enough money would be like.

Although this invitation is speaking of the desire for money, you are invited to use this way of Being With desire no matter what the flavor of desire might be – being with your soul mate; the fully Realized State of Being; being recognized and appreciated; travelling the world; etc. Whatever the desire, Be With it, feel it. The minimum that will happen is that you will feel happy as you spend time imagining what it would feel like to have the desire met…that’s a mighty fine minimum wouldn’t you say?

So, no longer attempting to ‘get rid of desires’ is the invitation, instead Be With them as they rise – listen to them as an invitation to feel them and see what happens. You are invited!

Come and join us in Satsang with Canela where we will expand upon this theme and practice feeling our desires together, enhancing the probability of manifestation simply in the magnification of the energy felt together….sharing and being together as One.

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This week’s invitation is to play around with looking at ‘no-separation’ or non-duality inclusive of practical logic.

Let’s look directly at the belief in being separate, in how it cannot be so in any logical way.

We know so much about what the world is made of now – these vibrating molecules of matter which every bit of the Universe is made of, suspended in the Nothingness.

When we look at the air that comes right up to the edge of the form of your body, or in the space between your computer screen and your eyes, we know that even though it is not a solid matter, it is still made of vibrating molecules as ‘air’. We also know that there is energy that seeps in and through our bodies, the air, the floor. We know this as fact because we can hear sounds, which move through and with the air and come into our bodies – we can feel sound in our bodies when it is loud enough, and therefore know that it actually comes ‘in’ to our body. We know that the images that are reflected in the apparent ‘outside’ of ourselves are actually ‘seen’ within the head, not even at the surface of the eye. So this energy of ‘that which is seen’ is also brought ‘into’ our system. Add to this the other senses like when you know when someone is walking behind you even though you may not see or hear them, you can ‘sense’ their presence. This sensing happens inside, or within you, not outside of yourself, so you feel/hear the information from within…meaning that something of that which appears outside of you – in this example another person walking behind you – comes into your energy system, you feel it, hear it and know that there is someone there.

What with all of this rather logical information of how energy plays like this in just a few examples here, one can really see that there is no separation, that non-duality is the truth even from a logical perspective. It is all energy interweaving with itself in its various ways of being…the way of being of air, skin, thought, sound, etc.

It has been happening like this, and will continue to happen like this – this amazing, intricate play of energies, mixing, mingling, meeting, merging…nothing at all (no thing) separate from all that is.

Come and join with us in Satsang with Canela where the space invites a relaxing open to hear and feel the energies in expression in each moment…to allow yourself to feel at One with All That Is – to experience Non-duality directly.

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