
Posts Tagged ‘spiritual’

Wonderful Ramana Maharshi made this question stand out across the ages: “Who AM I?” It can be used as a means to support a direct experience of that which is unknowable and indescribable yet we can be conscious of – That.

In looking for ‘I’ in the moment, one may find the vast, open nothingness and yet the person still remains in play as a person.

What can make finding the ‘nothingness’ elusive is often some aspect of ownership, as if there was a someone, (an ‘I’) who owned a mind, owned a body, owned a house.

It is very tricky because ‘owning’ being you is also essential to embodiment. This type of owning is not the same as if some bit of ‘what is’ is separate and can be held.

Owning in this case is a willingness to go along with all that is without grasping at that which appears here in any moment as if it were ‘yours’. We can be practical about this because we know that there is nothingness when you look for the ‘I’, so who could possibly own anything?

Residing fully with the human system as it appears in the moment (as That is) yes, this owning is supportive – to relax into this ‘Being you’, without owning it in a way of grasping it as if separate.

On the other hand, this grasping at ‘stuff’ that appears here as if separate can also be a great exercise. Not attempting to find the grasping, instead really go for grasping 100% so you can see how it is that ‘you’ do that. You become more conscious of this aspect of the play of you.

As many have pointed out over the years, there is only one way for you in being consciously conscious – your way. Seeing how it is you might grasp at what appears here, (really allowing yourself to play with this so you can see how you do that) can give you the perfect information to be able to stop grasping in any moment if you so choose. Without knowing how it is that it is happening, it can be very difficult to stop the action of that.

As per usual, this is only an invitation – a Satsang Invitation – to play with this question, to play with ownership, to play with grasping….to see what happens. Supporting you in finding the nothingness at play, simply as you, this human being that you are.

(If you do not understand any part of this Invitation, please do write and ask about it. Your questions are never printed or shared without your permission so it is a private happening.)


1. Thank you to everyone who joined with us for the weekend of Transformational Satsang in Victoria, and thank you to Karsten and Jyoti for hosting us and the Satsang gatherings!

2. Many people joined with us on the on-line Awakening as Love Retreat – thank you for attending from all over the world!! The retreat was recorded, you can watch it here:

3. Also, thank you to all who attended the Satsang that happened in White Rock on Nov. 8th and to Kevin for hosting!

4. Canela Michelle will be offering Transformational Satsang in London England with Nonduality London in April and in Brighton in May 2015, and yes, she will be in Prague in May as well! 🙂 Check out the details for those events here:

5. The electronic version of Canela’s book “Right Here, Right Now Meditations – Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”, foreword by Isaac Shapiro, is now available all around the world for your laptop, iPad, iPhone, androids, kindles, etc. Check it out here:

5. There are a few spaces left for individual Satsang sessions with Canela prior to her departure for Mexico. She will be off-line for awhile once in Mexico. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter through the contact page at: wwww.canelamichelle.com

6. You can check out the letters from people who have tasted this ‘flavor’ of Transformational Satsang groups and individual sessions: http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

7. Canela goes where she is invited, consider inviting her to offer Transformational Satsang in your area or write to her to find out more info…follow your heart and all details will fall into place!

Sent to you with Love from Avalon, Bowen Island, BC, Canada

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This email is being sent to you from Avalon, Bowen Island, BC, Canada
Satsang Invitation
Your feedback and responses are welcome!

Today’s Satsang Invitation invites you to be newly with yourSelf – Newly You. The fact that you are new in each moment, just like a snowflake, doesnt matter much as that is how it has been and always will be. What does matter is whether you recognize this newness…in you, with you, all around this appearance as it is – this universe.

Since all is a play of energy, it is always moving, vibrating fast enough to make an appearance of solidness, as if you are solid. It’s this rapid movement of the atoms that creates this appearance. So we know that what we perceive is not solid but only appears this way in each moment.

In this constant movement, nothing remains the same…the hair is growing, or there are flakes of skin that are drying and being replaced by new skin in the case of baldness (how inclusive hey?!…lol…) the food is digesting, the blood is moving through out the system carrying the nutrients from the food. The whole mechanism is meeting each moment with the meeting of these atoms as they journey along, the domino effect, one bit changing the next bit, flowing. What a play…Awareness at play, with all of this. Where does it begin? Where does it end? It keeps on playing.

It is true that this is only a wee bit of the vastness at play that I am pointing to: hair growing, skin renewing, nutrients being received, and disbursed…change is happening. When looking at this small bit of the play, is it easier to see (when looked at as a flowing of energies) that it all moves together? That there is no separation within the play of it all?

You are new in each moment, and then new again in the next moment. Understanding that you cannot be stagnant, that even though there might be plays of Awareness (plays of Love in expression) that are uncomfortable, that it will change. Even though aspects of what appears here seem to be the same, they are not…look again, look for the newness. This can support a wonderful freedom as who could know how you are supposed to be?…You are new! Any idea of how you are life is supposed to be can be dropped…what a freedom.

Allow yourself more space for this newness of you, the newness of your heart and what That speaks to you, the newness of perception – how you perceive is also changing even though it may appear to not be. This is the same for everyone, so no need to stand by any judgements of yourself or others as if they will not change. You remembering the fact that change is happening, supports letting go of any judgement, gives more space, and therefore supports the flow of What Is…flow happens more easily, and because you are not separate (‘you’ are part of this flow) you feel more at ease too.

When you have felt stuck or trapped in some scenario, the reality is that there is newness that is happening. As soon as you look for this newness, this gives space for more newness, more space for you to relax with the flow of All.

Relax open and enjoy this new you, get to know yourself as the newness of That and this space will support expansion in all directions – without a push to change, change happens naturally with ease when you give yourself space and respond newly, freshly however you do. Start new again and again…as you are…go with That. Out of nothing this you continues to play here, this way and that way, however that is…it is a new play of you, a new play of Love.


1. Transformational Satsang with Canela is now scheduled for Oct. 24-26th, 2015 in Victoria, BC. Check it out here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

2. Canela Michelle has been invited (and she accepted) to be one of the teachers in the “The Awakening as Love Retreat” which is happening on Nov. 1st & 2nd. This is a free on-line retreat including Mooji, Gangaji, Nirmala, Gina Lake, Miranda Macpherson, Susanne Marie, and Tim Freke. Here is where you will find more info on that and be able to register: http://www.living-from-love.com

3. The electronic version of Canela’s book “Right Here, Right Now Meditations – Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”, foreword by Isaac Shapiro, is now available all around the world for your laptop, iPad, iPhone, androids, kindles, etc. Check it out here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/store

4. Including the info again in case you didn’t get a chance to listen to the interview of Canela Michelle by Jerry Katz on Nonduality Talk Radio. There are quite a few pointers within that interview as well as the felt sense of Satsang. You can listen to that here: https://soundcloud.com/tags/canela%20michelle%20meyers

5. Canela’s articles published in The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology:
Vol.5: http://paradoxica.ca/from-all-to-something-to-no-thing-to-all-that-is/
Vol. 6: http://paradoxica.ca/utilizing-the-story-for-embracing-self-by-canela-michelle-meyers/

6. Canela Michelle is still in Canada so Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone so no long distance charges apply) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address:canelamichelle@gmail.com You can check out the newly posted responses from people who have tasted this ‘flavor’ of Transformational Satsang groups and individual sessions: http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

7. Canela goes where she is invited, consider inviting her to offer Transformational Satsang in your area or write to her to find out more info…follow your heart and all details will fall into place canelamichelle@gmail.com

Sent to you with Love from Avalon, Bowen Island, BC, Canada

Love is at the root of all of That which is occurring in each moment…no matter what it looks like!

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This Satsang Invitation: Harmonizing Corruption, is one that can be supportive to you in many ways.

Firstly, let’s look at corruption – what is that? To myself, corruption is when a person makes a choice towards an outcome that is not in alignment with their own Being, which would then not in the best interest of all.

Today corruption is rampant. Changes in the world are happening rapidly and people will either be going along with it; making conscious choices toward support of all (including the earth), or they will be reacting in fear; attempting to stop change or grab onto something, anything, to attempt to soothe the fear (which doesn’t work of course).

The choice point is where the moment is such an amazing support. Looking at the choices right in the moment, feeling into the possibilities, will give a person the best feedback on which way to take action, or not to take action.

This is the point that gets passed over, most people are reacting to what is happening, knee jerk reactions, rather than responding to the details of the moment as they present themselves with the conscious inclusion of themSelves.

A great way to do this is to stop and consider the details – I like to call them the smorgasbord of the moment or the game piece (peace too) of Now.

To consciously include the details at play, feel into them, let them speak to you. Do this by relaxing open to them (breathe deeply) allowing what appears as the details to come inside of what appears here as the form of ‘you’. In this way you are meeting the details personally, consciously.

After giving some space, some moments, to the details, see what wants to happen now. From here, you would be responding, not reacting. It is a way of contemplation that includes the energetics of what is happening. It may instigate a number of investigations of energy in different directions – follow that, let it lead you along. It might even be that this is what the details at play were all about and it is not even about making a decision.

When we say that a file is corrupted, it means that it can no longer function as it was intended, and this is the same for a person. That corruption will be inside of the person and until they meet whatever the play inside is, they will be bypassing a huge part of the play, excluding themSelves, and their choices will be a reflection of that corruption.

Life will bring moments of decisions to such a person, again and again, until they choose to Be With the details intimately, in a way that includes themSelves, rather than that reaction that stays focussed on the details as if they are outside of themselves. When the details are brought in, sat with, and allowed, the natural response is given space to be seen, to be heard, and the person (who is a representation of the Universe) can take action from there choosing the way of inclusion of all, the natural choice.

Meeting yourself consciously, no matter what is happening, brings harmony to potential corruption simply by this conscious inclusion of Self.


1. “Right Here, Right Now Meditations – Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”, foreword by Isaac Shapiro, is now available as an E-book! Only $7.77 in Canada & USA, and relative prices all over the world. Check it out here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/store

2. Canela Michelle was interviewed by Jerry Katz on July 12th, 2014 on his radio show. There are quite a few pointers within that interview as well as the felt sense of Satsang. You can find the link here: https://soundcloud.com/tags/canela%20michelle%20meyers

3. Transformational Satsang with Canela has been happening in North Vancouver, Chilliwack, and White Rock – thank you to all who attended these events and to Brenda & Jim (North Vancouver), Janet Newport/Amythyst Book Store (Chilliwack), and Kevin Diakiw (White Rock). What a blessing to Be With you all!!

4. Dates are now set for Transformational Satsang in the Czech Republic in May 2015, and are being organized for Bellingham, WA, USA in October, and Brighton & potentially London, England so far. More info here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

5. The Paradoxica Nondual Conference 2015 at the University of Lethbridge is set for June 18th & 10th. It is such a wonderful community and dynamic nondual sharing in Lethbridge, Alberta – gratitude to Gary Tzu for the existence of this Conference and all of the people who do so much to support it to happen!

6. You can find out what ‘Stories’ are in existence for in Canela’s article in The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology: http://paradoxica.ca/utilizing-the-story-for-embracing-self-by-canela-michelle-meyers/
7. Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone so no long distance charges apply) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address: canelamichelle@gmail.com Check out the letters from people (it has been updated since the last Invitation) who have tasted this ‘flavor’ of Transformational Satsang (updated often): http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

Sent to you with Love from Avalon, Bowen Island, BC, Canada

Love is at the root of all of That which is occurring in each moment…no matter what it looks like!

Blue Skies Shining on You from Here, Snug Cove, Bowen Island.

** Please just send an email to canelamichelle@gmail.com if you would like to discuss Canela offering Transformational Satsang in your part of the world**

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This month’s Satsang Invitation is to look at ‘Blaming Love’. This topic has been chosen as Burma Cassidy (included with permission) responded to last month’s Satsang Invitation with:

“The concept that ‘Love’ is intentional doing something feels a bit off centre to me and misleading. Why do you even have to say this? “Oh I feel yucky, it’s just ‘Love’ showing me I need to go inside”. Could this again be another form of blame?”

Yes Love is indeed intentional – this is the expansion of What Is. Love is continually attempting to invite harmony – inviting us in each moment to That. When harmony is found, expansion happens – over and over again.

The invitation of this email is to ‘blame love’. When a person does, they will find that there is nothing to be angry about as how can one be angry with love itself?

If ‘yucky’ is happening, then yes, love is inviting to feel the ‘yucky’ – not to attempt to get away from it or change it. Love is inviting us to open to That. If all is perceived as love, then it is simply easer to open to whatever is happening.

This is my direct finding in each moment, being committed to love itself – lead by That. Love is what is heard, seen, felt in each and every moment. Love is All That Is.

Recognition of the nothingness, that there is no-body, yes… and still the manifestation of a person continues to play itself out in each moment. This is true. How best to be with this play of Self? By recognizing that it is Love at play and to go with it all. I have found this to be the easiest and most loving way to experience life.

Yes, please do blame love – love is attempting to get our attention solely to invite each one more deeply and more deeply and more deeply into Love…fall in Love with That…Love calls us in each moment.


1. The Satsang events in Mexico City were deep and delicious – many amazing people sharing their beauty of Being. Much gratitude to Marco, Ana and Shanti for sharing their home and hosting Satsang there!

2. Thank you to Lisa Versace and her friend Laura for hosting Satsang here in Manzanillo and to Mary Versace for connecting Lisa with Canela.

3. Check out the website for the dates, times, and information for Transformational Satsang with Canela in North Vancouver, Prague, Brighton, and Calgary. Also you can find out about the post Paradoxica Nondual Conference event – Satsang co-facilitated with Canela and Gary Tzu in Lethbridge, Alberta. http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

4. Canela’s next article is just being edited now for The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology. Register for this year’s Conference, which now includes (along with Canela) Isaac Shapiro & Meike Schuett, Pamela Wilson, Gary Tzu, Tom Crockett, Shayla Wright, Aha, and Trent Leighton.
Go here for info and to register for the Conference and/or Satsang: http://www.paradoxica.ca or

5. Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address: canelamichelle@gmail.com Check out the feedback from others who have tasted this flavor of support here (updated often): http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

Sent to you with Love from Manzanillo

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This month’s Satsang Invitation is to look at the impossibility of ‘Blame’.

Whenever you find yourself blaming someone else for how you feel, it is always an avoidance of being with ‘what is’. Blame will say this is your fault, when it is always Love’s fault when you are disturbed in any way. Love intentionally does this to get your attention so that you might focus on the disturbance inwardly, feel that, and gain the gift of the moment – whatever that will end up being.

It is such a huge ‘no’ to existence to say – I can’t live the life I would like because of my parents or how I was raised or some sort of turmoil that happened in your life. Believing in blame keeps you in avoidance of reality. It is a diversion to sitting with the truth of what is. Once a happening has happened, let go of the why it occurred (where blame arises), and be with the actually of the occurrence. Does this make some sense to you? ~ If you are blaming someone for how life is or your unhappiness or discomfort, you are not sitting with the unhappiness, discomfort of factuality of life as it is in the moment.

Another way to look at it is to look at whoever it is that you are blaming for the situation. If you really get to know why it was that they did what they did, it would be because of whatever happened prior to them doing it. In other words, the ‘blame’ will keep going back as long as one keeps looking at it. If a the person blamed is a perpetrator, one will find another perpetrator in their past who trespassed against them, and so on and so on. It will always be understandable if one explores how the happenings came to be. So in this way, who is it really that is to blame?

Blaming yourself doesn’t work either as you cannot go back in time and be different than you were…in innocence you didn’t know what was going to happen (in fact no one knows, all are innocent) so blaming yourself for happenings doesn’t work as you were innocent, you didn’t know.

Going to a lofty place of being the creator of your Universe doesn’t work either as there is no ‘you’ to blame in that. So what does one do, blame the Universe/God/Goddess/Life etc?

The invitation in this email is to only use the appearance of blame (when it shows up) to sit with the felt sense of what is actually happening in that moment. Knowing that there is no one to blame, that the happening happened and there is nothing you can change about it, can be a support to you to feel the experience…to simply Be With That.


1. Canela is very happy to share that she is headed to Mexico City to Be With everyone there from Feb. 18th until Feb. 26th. For details to join us in Satsang: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

2. Thank you to Pam Ball, Patty Talasy, and Ginny Ruiz for hosting Satsang with Canela on various dates in Manzanillo!!

3. Canela will be speaking again this year at the Mujeras Amigas Luncheon on March 5th at Oasis in Manzanillo….the topic will be: Contentment

3. The new dates in Prague are: May 22nd to May 28th at Maitrea, and the new dates for Brighton, England are: May 30th to June 4th. To see what’s happening on each day in these cities check out the website here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

3. Watch for the new articles in the The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology coming up at the end of March – I will post a link when they are up on the Paradoxica website. And do register for this year’s Conference, which now includes (along with Canela) Isaac Shapiro & Meike Schuett and also Pamela Wilson, along with the other amazing presenters including Gary Tzu (used to be Gary Nixon) many people have mentioned making the trip to Lethbridge this year to experience That 🙂 . Satsang will be held on June 14th Being facilitated by Canela Michelle and Gary Tzu.
Go here for info and to register for the Conference and/or Satsang: http://www.paradoxica.ca
And of course here on the website: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

4. Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address: canelamichelle@gmail.com Check out the feedback from others who have tasted this flavor of support here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

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The address of Truth is ‘Here’, the time for Truth is ‘Now’, Truth itSelf is ‘This’. Why? Because Love calls itSelf to itSelf in This Here Now.

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This month’s Satsang Invitation is to point to the Real Conspiracy that is happening in each moment.

There is so much that is happening in the surface play of events in the world today, that it is quite easy to get caught up in looking at those surface details and judging them to be against yourself, your group, your country, or against the world. To point to ‘them’ and say that ‘for sure’ they are ‘wrong’. Yes, yes, plenty of opportunity for that.

Yet in the same moment as these thoughts or ideas might arise (in response to hearing of the details at play), the truth is that it is all Love. That even though there may appear to be all sorts of conspiracies of politics, government, and that yes, there is ‘proof’ of that…even though this is perceived, if you were to look more deeply at what is happening, you will ALWAYS find Love.

Of course, this is not an opportunity to take my word for it, it is an opportunity to check it out for yourself.

Whenever there is awareness of what appears as a conspiracy of against-ness, look in that moment to what is happening within yourself – within the system of energy that shows up here as being ‘you’ – as being this human being. You are a reflection of what is going on, so look for the ripples of effect in the reflection.

So the invitation is, to acknowledge that the surface details are ‘Here With’ you, and instead of musing on them with the mind (letting it churn and twist on the details) be still in body and listen to what is happening in what appears here to be your physical body and energetic body.

You, as an expression of Awareness That you are, have been given this energetic movement that is at play here in each moment. Instead of keeping your focus on what appears to be outside of yourself, shift that focus ‘in’ and see how the outside details are effecting you inside. Sit with this, let Awareness rest with this and see what happens.

If you keep listening to what the mind offers to feed itself and keep the drama alive, then it is a never ending cycle that never finds peace.

When you allow yourself the space to Be With the effect of that which appears in any moment, then you give space and peace (even though it may not feel peaceful at first) to a situation that most people (up until now) have been fighting against and ignorantly, energetically feeding exactly what they don’t want to continue. The use of the word ‘ignorantly’ is not used as a calling of names or any such idea, it is only pointing to innocence – people would not continue to do this if they knew what they were doing….they are ‘ignorant’ of what they do when they stay in reaction, instead of feeling/experiencing the reaction which accepts it as it is. Exactly as it is, no more, no less than That.

As you give yourself more and more space to simply feel what is happening in response to what appears as ‘the world’ and its details at play, you give more space to Be With the true conspiracy: That Love is Here in every moment, attempting to embrace you as That.


1. Firstly, since it was scheduled to start happening tomorrow, it is important to say that the Satsang with Canela events in Mexico City have been postponed until the New Year. You will be notified here and on the website (www.canelamichelle.com) of those new dates.

2. ‘Thank you’ to Lulu and Paisley in Sooke, BC Canada for hosting the marvelous vegan weekend Satsang with Canela – what an amazing group of people gathered there to Be soaked in the dance of Silence directly – inclusive of Kirtan!! There is talk of a weekend in 2014…keep reading these newletters for more info on that.

‘Thank You!’ to Soraya Marina Deva for hosting the Satsang with Canela events in Brighton, England – so good to meet everyone again and newly – to Be With those who’s flavors of Being continue to deepen into Self and to meet Brighton for the first time…what a blessing!! (Thank you too to Cristina for your part in sharing space, food and yourself). New dates are presently being figured out for a four day residential retreat near Brighton.

‘Thank You!’ to Joshi and all of the Maitrea crew once again, for hosting the transformational events at Maitrea in the Czech Republic!! These series of events happened incredibly beautifully and joyfully – Thank you, it was such a pleasure to be of service. New dates for 2014 are presently being figured out for wonderful, incredible Prague. I will include a link once the video footage of one of the evenings is available.

‘Thank You!’ to Emerson at Karma & Dharma Teachers in Vancouver for hosting Satsang with Canela in Vancouver before she left Canada for Manzanillo. Such a wonderful, supportive space that Emerson offers there – check out his offerings here: http://www.karmateachers.com for free and by donation yoga classes in the downtown east side of Vancouver.

3. This Newsletter point is still the same: The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology & Conference, now also includes Isaac Shapiro & Meike Schuett and also Pamela Wilson. This was Canela’s first self appointed ‘task to tend to’ as a director to invite them and they have agreed to come and speak, along with Canela, in June 2014.
Go here for info and to register: http://www.paradoxica.ca
And of course here on the website: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

4. Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address: canelamichelle@gmail.com Check out the feedback from others who have tasted this flavor of support here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback (and yes, new feedback has been added since the last Satsang Invitation).

Sent to you with Love from Here
Love is at the root of all of That which is occurring in each moment…no matter what it looks like!

Satsang Meditation with Canela
To find out where and when Canela Michelle is offering Satsang, and to register for any of these offerings, check out the schedule page: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

** Please just send an email to canelamichelle@gmail.com if you would like Canela to offer Satsang in your part of the world**

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“This word points to that which is not something that you can see, touch, hear, taste or smell, as if it were a ‘something’ yet it includes all of those as happenings.

That which is seen, and the seeing occurring, is the Self; that which can be touched, and the touching happening, is the Self;  that which can be heard, as well as the hearing happening, is the Self; tasted, tasting and smelled, smelling – all is part of Self.  Then there is the part that is aware that there is smelling happening, as well as the smell, and that which is being smelled (when there is) this is Self.  That’s the same as what it is that is aware of seeing happening – this is the Self too.

Self is all inclusive, being an expression that is aware of itself, of all that is, in each moment.”

Excerpt from “Right Here, Right Now Meditations – Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness” written by yours truly – Canela Michelle Meyers with a foreword by Isaac Shapiro.

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This week’s invitation is in alignment with the 26,000 year shift and the Gregorian calendar New Year.- 2013.

The topic to play with is this commitment that you have given yourself to Be – to make this consciously.

Since you are here in body as a person, you have already given the commitment to Be here because here you are!
The invitation is to live as much of this life that you have been given as you dare. To commit to living rather than choosing what appears as ‘safe’.

Each human being is born with their own unique attributes and talents that they can either choose to explore and hone or follow the status-quo which says to get a job to make money to pay your bills. The status-quo focus would be on how to make money, how to spend money and how to keep money.

You are invited now to soft focus (no ‘work’ in this) on what you yourself bring to life, What are the attributes and talents of this ‘you’ that appears here? Q. How do you know what your talents are if you have not (apparently) found them yet? A. By what your heart wants. By what your unique interests are. Your interests in conjunction with your heart will show you.

Many people will poo poo that you could possibly live and provide for yourself if you spent your moments with what brings you pleasure in your heart. Those last three words are important ‘in your heart’ as your heart will not lead you astray. This is the part of yourself to trust – what does your heart say or feel about any apparent choice that arises? To listen to That and respond accordingly.

What most humans do is listen to their thinking on a subject not inclusive of the heart. What is being invited here is not to exclude the thinking, or the mind, the invitation is to listen to the heart as the leader, then allow the mind, or thinking, to support That.

In this way, no matter what it is that is being looked at, when you take action as a response to listening to your own heart, you are contributing to all of human kind to live more loving, supportive, enjoyable, abundant lives. When you support yourself you support Love, you support all that is. When you as a vibrating appearance of molecules raise your own vibration by opening to Love, all of the Universe is effected because there is no separation.

It is not what most people are doing in their lives. Most are following what has been taught to them, to make money somehow. So it can take courage to invest in yourself, to find out what your interests are if you dont know already. It takes courage to stand by and trust your heart and what it speaks to you. You are the only one who can hear your own heart and its direction…this is why it seems scary – there is only one ‘you’ so you will not be able to follow anyone else. There will be people who have similar interests and loves though and this can be a support to you in your living your own life fully….as fully as you dare, as fully as you know in a moment. This will continue to expand and grow, this living of you, so you can make mistakes, bumble along, it’s ok. The mistakes will always be supportive even though you might take them as some sort of feedback to not follow your heart. Instead, stick with this You and all that he or she brings to the moment of this living of you. That’s the invitation: To live life fully.

Come and Be With us in Satsang where this topic will be explored and consciously committed to together, making it stronger as it is shared. Yes to You in a commited, conscious way.

For Info on the Satsang on Jan. 5th, 2013: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

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This week’s Invitation is to look at the fact that ‘money is equal’ and to play with your relating to money accordingly.

What is meant by that: Money is Equal?

That money is simply an expression of Awareness at play in any moment of existence – exactly equal to all else that appears here in this amazing play of phenomina.

Equal to water, air, skin, dirt, sound, thought. No more, nor less than all at play in each moment.

So why does it, money, seem to be so important?
Most people are taught to give it that importance. It is innocent this teaching, as most people do not know (yet) that when they give their power away to money and their children witness this day in day out, they learn to repeat that which is modelled to them. So if you empower money as more than any other aspect of Awareness at play, you likely learned to do so through those around you…often both consciously and subconsciously. It is a collective addiction with humans. Notice that deer or moths or fish do not give a hoot about money. We humans created this form of trade and then gave it power to be a ruling force….and yet, really, it simply is energy at play as a piece of paper or a coin, or a number in a bank account.

Money is empowered as a ruling force when one makes it the reason to not follow their own heart. So often one might hear: I have to work even though I do not love how I spend the moments of my life, – I ‘have to’ for money. If one believes this, then it will continue to be true. And this belief then might feel safe as it is what one is used to, what they are comfortable with because that is what they have been experiencing. It does take some courage to not follow in the collective stream and to just see for yourself, out of curiosity, if you actually do ‘have to’ work for money.

It is just not true, you do not ‘have to’ work for money. Money can simply be a side effect from how you spend your moments. It comes and goes and has it’s own flow…the more you let it be itself, and just tend to it lightly, it takes care of itself. Lightly…this means stopping worrying about it.

When you find yourself worrying about money, stop, breathe deeply, remember that money is only an equal expression of Awareness, and look to see inside what part of you is feeling some sort of effect…the worry will be rooted in That. Relax open and feel whatever it is that is occurring. Give yourself space to simply Be With this and remember that money comes and goes. Take small steps at first, allowing yourself to play with money in a way that you might have been afraid to in the past.

When you find yourself fixated on money, notice that you are giving it your attention and take your attention back to yourself, to simply being with what is, or allow your attention to rest with ideas that feel loving to you. Imagining what it might feel like to be with more than enough money, with more than enough time to play with it….let your attention rest with these sorts of imaginings. At a minimum, you will find that in those moments of feeling peace, that life has space to support you even more in ways that you may not even imagine, and hey, you are feeling peace! Moments of allowing yourself to feel peace, however it happens, will manifest more moments of peace.

It is a love of this heart to support people beyond survival ideas that only elicit suffering. Look to the truth, that Money is equal to all that is in appearance, a play of energy showing up in the form of money…no more, no less than That. Respond accordingly to this truth and make choices towards more moments of peaceful, enjoyable living.

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