
Posts Tagged ‘non duality’

This Satsang Invitation: Harmonizing Corruption, is one that can be supportive to you in many ways.

Firstly, let’s look at corruption – what is that? To myself, corruption is when a person makes a choice towards an outcome that is not in alignment with their own Being, which would then not in the best interest of all.

Today corruption is rampant. Changes in the world are happening rapidly and people will either be going along with it; making conscious choices toward support of all (including the earth), or they will be reacting in fear; attempting to stop change or grab onto something, anything, to attempt to soothe the fear (which doesn’t work of course).

The choice point is where the moment is such an amazing support. Looking at the choices right in the moment, feeling into the possibilities, will give a person the best feedback on which way to take action, or not to take action.

This is the point that gets passed over, most people are reacting to what is happening, knee jerk reactions, rather than responding to the details of the moment as they present themselves with the conscious inclusion of themSelves.

A great way to do this is to stop and consider the details – I like to call them the smorgasbord of the moment or the game piece (peace too) of Now.

To consciously include the details at play, feel into them, let them speak to you. Do this by relaxing open to them (breathe deeply) allowing what appears as the details to come inside of what appears here as the form of ‘you’. In this way you are meeting the details personally, consciously.

After giving some space, some moments, to the details, see what wants to happen now. From here, you would be responding, not reacting. It is a way of contemplation that includes the energetics of what is happening. It may instigate a number of investigations of energy in different directions – follow that, let it lead you along. It might even be that this is what the details at play were all about and it is not even about making a decision.

When we say that a file is corrupted, it means that it can no longer function as it was intended, and this is the same for a person. That corruption will be inside of the person and until they meet whatever the play inside is, they will be bypassing a huge part of the play, excluding themSelves, and their choices will be a reflection of that corruption.

Life will bring moments of decisions to such a person, again and again, until they choose to Be With the details intimately, in a way that includes themSelves, rather than that reaction that stays focussed on the details as if they are outside of themselves. When the details are brought in, sat with, and allowed, the natural response is given space to be seen, to be heard, and the person (who is a representation of the Universe) can take action from there choosing the way of inclusion of all, the natural choice.

Meeting yourself consciously, no matter what is happening, brings harmony to potential corruption simply by this conscious inclusion of Self.


1. “Right Here, Right Now Meditations – Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”, foreword by Isaac Shapiro, is now available as an E-book! Only $7.77 in Canada & USA, and relative prices all over the world. Check it out here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/store

2. Canela Michelle was interviewed by Jerry Katz on July 12th, 2014 on his radio show. There are quite a few pointers within that interview as well as the felt sense of Satsang. You can find the link here: https://soundcloud.com/tags/canela%20michelle%20meyers

3. Transformational Satsang with Canela has been happening in North Vancouver, Chilliwack, and White Rock – thank you to all who attended these events and to Brenda & Jim (North Vancouver), Janet Newport/Amythyst Book Store (Chilliwack), and Kevin Diakiw (White Rock). What a blessing to Be With you all!!

4. Dates are now set for Transformational Satsang in the Czech Republic in May 2015, and are being organized for Bellingham, WA, USA in October, and Brighton & potentially London, England so far. More info here: http://www.canelamichelle.com/schedule

5. The Paradoxica Nondual Conference 2015 at the University of Lethbridge is set for June 18th & 10th. It is such a wonderful community and dynamic nondual sharing in Lethbridge, Alberta – gratitude to Gary Tzu for the existence of this Conference and all of the people who do so much to support it to happen!

6. You can find out what ‘Stories’ are in existence for in Canela’s article in The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology: http://paradoxica.ca/utilizing-the-story-for-embracing-self-by-canela-michelle-meyers/
7. Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone so no long distance charges apply) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address: canelamichelle@gmail.com Check out the letters from people (it has been updated since the last Invitation) who have tasted this ‘flavor’ of Transformational Satsang (updated often): http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

Sent to you with Love from Avalon, Bowen Island, BC, Canada

Love is at the root of all of That which is occurring in each moment…no matter what it looks like!

Blue Skies Shining on You from Here, Snug Cove, Bowen Island.

** Please just send an email to canelamichelle@gmail.com if you would like to discuss Canela offering Transformational Satsang in your part of the world**

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Well, after publishing that last post here on this blog last week and having quite a number of views of it, I am feeling very appreciative of this system of sharing….in the real felt sense of gratitude!  Thank you to you readers of these words…it’s just nice to be received.

And, yes, of course I am received…in each moment, each of what appears here as ‘us’ is being received by our very own Selves.  Ourselves as Awareness is right here receiving the experiencing that is happening.  It’s just sort of sweet to see actual views of this blog – that it is being viewed!  So I include this felt sense of gratitude, which gives rise to yet more gratitude, that you are here, With mySelf…thank you!!  ❤ Canela Michelle

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Today’s Satsang Invitation is inviting you to ‘fall in’ – to fall in even more deeply – in Love with this fine Self that you are.

Many people find that they experience more criticism of themselves than love. This has been a habit of most human beings (up until now). Humans have been much more active in telling each other how they could be better than admiring how they already are so it is no wonder that we pick up this habit about ourselves. Couple this with the idea that we are only ‘supposed to’ admire, care, give to, and love others and not much time is spent in learning to fall in love with ourselves – to accept and enjoy that which we already are, what is already here – and one can see how this habit gets centre stage.

I can only strongly invite this, the way of it (the action) comes in your own way of being…quite personally. In other words, it is in how you hear the invitation and take action on it that supports the falling in with yourself.

This falling in love with your fine Self is to allow yourself to relax into all of who you are, all that you do, all that you have done and will do. All of this is found here with you in each moment. It is in Being With yourSelf in each moment, exploring what is actually happening that deepens the love. After all, it’s all love so you would be spending moments in curious exploration with love itself.

If you ever find yourself bummed out with you, or not happy with yourself, take a closer look at what is really going on. If you sit down right in that moment (or as close to the moment that you notice the unhappy feeling) you might find that the unhappy feeling is only a ‘top note’ of what is really going on.

Falling in love with yourself requires that you spend moments with yourself to really see what is happening with you in any moment of looking.

This is not figuring out what is ‘wrong’ by using the mind, instead the invitation is to sit down and breathe deeply, let your body relax and feel where the ‘unhappy’ feeling/energy is residing in that moment. Keep breathing and allowing the whole body to be supported by the chair that you are sitting in, or the floor or where ever it is you are being with you. Let the area of where the unhappiness appears to be reveal itself to you, let awareness rest there…keep breathing deeply (this supports what is happening in the body to be noticed more easily than what the mind might be saying about the whole happening). Do not bypass the energy by opening to the absolute, stay with the truth of what is happening with this human that you are – this is where the love of him or her can be found.

Perhaps this sounds simple, and yet it is not so simple as the top note (in this case ‘unhappiness’) rarely gives an indication of what will show up – of how the energy reveals itself to you in the moment. Also, most people are attempting to change how they feel instead of resting open to it. Afterwards it will make perfect sense how the energy came to be and you will understand more of you. This simple exercise has happening with thousands of people, it works every single time.

So what does this take? Firstly an interest, an interest in yourself. Secondly the action of hearing, or listening to yourself – giving yourself space to let the moment show you what is really going on. This is a very loving happening: to hang out with you; to get to know yourself better; to be listened to; to be heard; to be felt and then also to be understood once the energy unfolds to show you what it is really about. Then all of what is happening softens as it is all so reasonable, and sometimes astounding, how the energy gets locked inside in the various ways that it does. This is the action of you giving the energy that at first is stuck in it’s categorization of unwanted energy, to transform, giving that freedom to flow. The energy then becomes embodied – a free flowing aspect of yourself, no longer held captive. You gave it space ‘to be’.

This spending moments with yourself in this way is simply loving and as you get to know yourself better, and understand how and why you are the way you are in the moment, you cannot help but fall in love with you – more and more deeply. To fall in love with the human being that you are – ALL of you!

Loving you is not something that you ‘do’, it is a side effect of how you are With yourself. You can ignore what is going on (this would be ignoring you) or you can spend interested, curious moments in Being With this wonderful treasure, the gift of who you are.

There is another wonderful side effect to this practice: as you spend more time with yourself – being interested and listening to what is really going on – other people will also. You create an ‘in road’ to Being With who you are and other people find the road more easily. As well as a more easy going, loving way of you Being With All That Is!


The Interview of Canela with Jerry Katz & Chani on Nonduality.org is here. Allow it to be a support to you!: http://nonduality.org/2014/06/25/nonduality-talk-radio-shows/#canela

1. It has been awhile since the last Satsang Invitation was sent out…in April in fact! Even though I have not been with you all in direct contact through this list, you have been with me in heart. I thank you for signing yourself up to receive the Satsang Invitations & Newsletter! (My apologies in advance if I was unable to read your handwriting correctly from the lists – please do correct me if I have spelled your name incorrectly – thank you).

2. Thank you to everyone who attended the Transformational Satsang events with Canela in North Vancouver, Prague, Brighton, Lethbridge and Calgary! Wow…what an honour it is to be a support to so many people across the globe. There is so much to be thankful for, so many people who played their part in how it all came to be – I am flowing over in gratitude about all of that and all of the people still – hosts & organizers too! I have only been home newly in BC for a two weeks and gratitude is spilling everywhere!!

3. New dates will be set soon for Transformational Satsang in Canada, Czech Republic, England, and Mexico. Let me know if you would like to host an event wherever you are…I haven’t been to the US for quite awhile and would love to be of support there. Also I am available to adventure into webcasts or video responses to questions if anyone would please send in questions or let me know if you know how to ‘do’ webcasts and are available to support that.

4. Thank you also to every one who attended the Paradoxica Nondual Conference at the University of Lethbridge! It was such a wonderful community feeling, yet dynamic nondual sharing in Lethbridge, Alberta – extra thank fullness to Gary Tzu for founding and arranging this international event! The dates are set for June 18th & 19th 2015 for the Conference next year. The info will be posted on the website when you can register.

5. Canela’s next article in The Paradoxica Journal of Nondual Psychology has been published. Check it out here: http://paradoxica.ca/utilizing-the-story-for-embracing-self-by-canela-michelle-meyers/

6. Individual Satsang, and Couple Satsang sessions by phone or Skype (Canela calls you if by phone so no long distance charges apply) are available. Contact Canela to book a session or for any questions about this Newsletter & Satsang Invitation at this email address: canelamichelle@gmail.com Check out the letters from people who have tasted this ‘flavor’ of Transformational Satsang (updated often): http://www.canelamichelle.com/letters-feedback

Sent to you with Love from Avalon, Bowen Island, BC, Canada

Love is at the root of all of That which is occurring in each moment…no matter what it looks like!

** Please just send an email to canelamichelle@gmail.com if you would like Canela to offer Satsang in your part of the world**

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This week’s invitation is in the words as they spill forth here…like this:


Of course….

Smile with it all,

how sweet to be human.

Resistance shows up, of course it would.  Smile softly with That.

How sweet to be human.

Look, look at the play as it happens, of course it would be exactly like this – exactly.

No more, no less than this.

Ease and smile, no ‘wrong’ at all.

The mind and it’s play, revealing its self to you, you notice…

it’s only play, smile softly with this. 

Easy, gentle, embracing lovingly – the ease and gentle,

allowing this – is the loving happening.  Being softly with ‘what is’. 

In other moments the details dance fiercely,

crashing about, seemingly taking you up into them

and yet, if you look, still aware that this crashing is happening. 

See that?  That it is seen no matter what it is that is happening?

Awareness is aware of that. 

No matter what is happening, all through the

moments that is called ‘your life’

you have been there with the dance of the details. 

You, the constant One, Being With you in each and every moment.


Come and join us in Satsang with Canela, to be in this space that supports you to embody this love that you are.

Satsang in North Vancouver on March 26th

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This week’s mail out (topic) is a bit different in that it doesn’t contain a ‘Satsang Invitation’ as usual, instead it felt right to send along this dialog that happened via a chat in facebook the other day.

SC: Hi Canela, How come even if I see it’s all love, I don’t feel it that much?

Canela: Hi SC, it seems to me that the experiencing changes about, whatever is being felt- is felt. “it is all love” points to the source. When you ask yourself, is this moment love? and sit with that, what happens?

SC: I think there is grief present.

Canela: Beautiful…something is finished then and you are feeling the loss?

SC: Sadness and unsatisfaction

Canela: What is the grief about?

SC: Ha, i think its about missing the joy and the satori state
missing the peace, the oneness, something is missing.

Canela: So there is judgement about the present experience, yes?

SC: I think yes

Canela: What appears to be missing?

SC: Peace

Canela: And how ought peace to feel? ..here is the judgement…perhaps feel the judgement happening, where does it link in to the system?

SC: It’s in the throat and the gut, yes I see

Canela: Open to feel that

SC: Yes…
Self hate, I see that.

Canela: Perfect! Feel it!!

SC: I have always hated me since I can remember

Canela: Feel this hate, open to it…not taking it against yourself, just feeling the energy of it

SC: ok.
I don’t seem to fit anywhere

Canela: Perfect, you don’t fit anywhere, feel that

SC: Those are words coming up while feeling it, just expressing them

Canela: The words count too…keep being ‘yes’ to whatever comes no matter what it looks like…feel it.

SC: Everyone is with someone, living a normal life(my friends and surrounding) and im here still alone finding myself ugly, unfit and poor
oh that’s hard to admit…

Canela: Is it hard really? Welcome them to live; this ‘ugly’ how does it feel to totally allow ugly once and for all?

SC: I can see I’m not ugly but i feel ugly, especially in front of feminine type i like, i feel stupid and uninteresting

Canela: Yes, feel it, this is the important part, let yourself feel ugly 100%

SC: ok

Canela: Remember to breathe and relax the body open to let this energy have free reign

SC: ok. I do this often since seeing you in Satsang with Richard Miller.
I see more clearly the process now
I will stay with this…
I’m scared of focusing too much on bad feelings

Canela: Perfect…meet ‘ugly’ fully, meet ‘unfit’ fully…
and you are relaxing open to energies that are already inside, that perhaps you may have been avoiding feeling (which accentuates them)

SC: I don’t know how to thank you enough for taking the time
Canela: You caught me just at the right moment 🙂

SC: Thats what i want to do really is to cure me and support others

Canela: Support yourself and support others perhaps?
the curing of you will take a lifetime sir

SC: thanks , I’m a massage therapist and it will help a lot
ok lot of work to do now
big love and hug to you
yes supporting myself!

Canela: Thank you for being willing to sit with some of the energies that many attempt to avoid. Bit by bit…remembering that the words that rise count and to let them lead you to the energy inside, be with that, and so on….

SC: ♥

SC: Thanks for supporting me in seeing that love is the secret alchemy ♥

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This week’s invitation is to play around with looking at ‘no-separation’ or non-duality inclusive of practical logic.

Let’s look directly at the belief in being separate, in how it cannot be so in any logical way.

We know so much about what the world is made of now – these vibrating molecules of matter which every bit of the Universe is made of, suspended in the Nothingness.

When we look at the air that comes right up to the edge of the form of your body, or in the space between your computer screen and your eyes, we know that even though it is not a solid matter, it is still made of vibrating molecules as ‘air’. We also know that there is energy that seeps in and through our bodies, the air, the floor. We know this as fact because we can hear sounds, which move through and with the air and come into our bodies – we can feel sound in our bodies when it is loud enough, and therefore know that it actually comes ‘in’ to our body. We know that the images that are reflected in the apparent ‘outside’ of ourselves are actually ‘seen’ within the head, not even at the surface of the eye. So this energy of ‘that which is seen’ is also brought ‘into’ our system. Add to this the other senses like when you know when someone is walking behind you even though you may not see or hear them, you can ‘sense’ their presence. This sensing happens inside, or within you, not outside of yourself, so you feel/hear the information from within…meaning that something of that which appears outside of you – in this example another person walking behind you – comes into your energy system, you feel it, hear it and know that there is someone there.

What with all of this rather logical information of how energy plays like this in just a few examples here, one can really see that there is no separation, that non-duality is the truth even from a logical perspective. It is all energy interweaving with itself in its various ways of being…the way of being of air, skin, thought, sound, etc.

It has been happening like this, and will continue to happen like this – this amazing, intricate play of energies, mixing, mingling, meeting, merging…nothing at all (no thing) separate from all that is.

Come and join with us in Satsang with Canela where the space invites a relaxing open to hear and feel the energies in expression in each moment…to allow yourself to feel at One with All That Is – to experience Non-duality directly.

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